Does your company want to work with
Flow Fitness?
Lauren is a fitness and wellbeing instructor, specialising in pre and post-natal.
She offers a full range of exercise classes including Pilates, aerobics, boxercise, and weight workouts alongside client tailored support focussing on diet, mindfulness, meditation and mental health.
Lauren works tirelessly with individuals to achieve excellent physical and mental health. In conjunction with employers, she works to improve employee health and productivity through delivering wellbeing workshops tailored to the organisation's needs.
Previous workshops have included;
‘Menstrual Cycle Awareness’ helping women to work with their hormones to improve resilience and productivity and reduce absenteeism.
2. ‘Return & Rise’, a programme to support & empower women returning to work from parental leave, coaching delegates in balancing home and work demands to promote wellbeing and high performance.
3. 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind' programme, a combination of physical & mental exercises, promoting overall wellbeing.
If you would like to work with Flow Fitness, please get in touch to discuss a programme tailored to the needs of your employees and your business.